Leopard Dresses and Happy Birthday

This time, we matched on purpose.

There have been many times where my pal Abby and I show up to a coffeeshop or lunch date wearing the same or similar outfits. This time around, we figured we would match on purpose, leopard style.

This dress was an H&M find earlier this year. I loved the straight, oversized look that was balanced by a subtle ruffle and cuffed sleeve. I can’t believe how much I have worn it since or how versatile I’ve found it to be. It’s been the star of the show with everything from heels and a long blazer to my favorite sneakers and a leather jacket. Also, love that they create the same style dress in different prints so if you find one you like you can stock up.

For our matching day, I used a plain black neck tie from a different jacket to bring a bit of flair to the neckline (who doesn’t love a good bow). To mix it up from the default black loafers I often wear it with, I decided on camel color booties and a matching Gigi Pip hat. I loved the way Abby styled it. The gold belt and gold flats combo elevated this simple dress in the most fun way. She finished the look with sparkly Chanel earrings from one of our Chicago adventures, and a headband on top of her high pony. PS-no matter what outfit, it truly wouldn’t matter what she did with her hair…it’s the BEST.


It might sound silly, but I love that we share a love of style. There’s something magical about being able to send her a message in the middle of the day with a link to a sequin blazer or article about a designer and have a). get as excited as I am and b). understand exactly what I’m trying to say.

I’m sure many of you know the Abby from Instagram so here’s a little secret…that’s the same Abby you get in person. She’s every ounce as funny, smart, driven, and stylish as you would think. I’m still not sure how she manages to balance everything she does in one day, and to have a front row seat to her as a mama is inspiring.

So here’s to you my friend. I hope we are still matching in tulle and sequins at a flea market (or somewhere fab) when we are old ladies. Happy Birthday.
