Caftan Season

Obsession might be too strong of a word, but when the shoe fits…

These caftans are now a part of my family. I’m convinced they are the perfect dress. No fuss + pockets? Sign a girl up. They came out with three different prints for it: plain black, blue and white stripe, and a bold floral. To be safe, I got one of each. Since I have been living in them, it’s good they come in more than one pattern so I’m able to repeat a bit more undetected.

I think part of my love for them is for how simple they are. They’re a great starting point for an outfit and you know how much I love pieces that you can style in different ways. I would say they run fairly true to size. I took a Large (hint: Don’t dry them they do shrink…I learned the hard way and now lay mine out to dry).


Just picture it: you, with a glass of wine and a cheese board, sunnies on, enjoying a patio…IN THIS CAFTAN. Elements may vary but speaking from personal experience, this is a good situation.
