A Christmas Surprise

There’s something about this season that makes even the smallest events feel so special.

We had some excitement at the Wierenga Christmas this year. In the past, when you heard Santa ringing his bell in the backyard, it was Doug’s dad or even Doug. His nephews have since figured out it’s one of them after a quest to find the Santa suit led them to a bin overflowing with red velvet and a scratchy white beard.


This year, they were a bit stumped. Instead of standing in the backyard, Santa was perched on a barstool in the living room. He was smaller than his typical 6+” stature. It was our nephew Grayson (who lives in Idaho) who came to surprise his cousins. They had no idea he would be in Chicago so to have him play Santa was a thrill.


This moment reminded me of a passage from my favorite book, Little Women. The four girls create a Christmas surprise for Marmee and after all is revealed, it talks about sweetness of the explaining that comes after:

“There was a good deal of laughing and kissing and explaining, in the simple, loving fashion which makes these home festivals so pleasant at the time, so sweet to remember long afterward…”
-Little Women

I was so struck at how these small, simple moments are so special especially around the holidays. There was lots of planning involved on the part of Doug’s mom in particular, but in general the concept was quite simple: he would fly in, play Santa, the kids would be surprised. But, when you add in a dash of Christmas magic and the beautiful simplicity of being together, it felt soaked in a delight only this time of year can bring.

These are the memories that make the season so heartfelt…so nestled into our souls when the tree is long gone and the last party is over. It isn’t endless gifts or perfect decorations. It’s simple surprises, time together, and joy that radiates out to kid and adults alike.


Hoping that your holiday was full of cozy moments that made you aware of the most extraordinary treasures that life has to offer: people we love, surprises, holiday spirit, unspeakable joy.
